Review: License to Wed

HA~! It’s the exams season and I am watching movies like nobody’s business. License to Wed(Trailer) is about a story of how a reverend puts a couple who intends to marry through a series of shit tests to see if their relationship is strong enough to pull them through.

In all, a simple, funny movie with a linear plot. Perfect for the exams seasons.

I really enjoyed the opening sequence, I’ve watched it at least 5 times whilst editing this entry. Thought it wouldn’t hurt sharing… It describes the various stages of the relationship.

Meeting the right person:


From the first destined meeting to the sweet innocence of the first date:

Whoops... Naughty right hand...

The first time you say I love you… And she actually hears you:

Confession to an old man

Decided that words and pictures can’t do justice. Here’s the clip itself:

I thought this 2 minute clip pretty packaged the whole experience nicely within the short time frame. “I’m not a skipper” is hilarious…

Can’t say much about the movie, it’s almost too predictable. But what I’d say is this movie is kind of perfect for couples to watch. Just pop the DVD and lounge in a room. No trips down to the cinema necessary.


Realized that I’ve been getting lots of traffic despite my “announcement” on the front page. Performed some digging and I realized the random Spiderman 3 wallpaper I created for my review of the movie is part of the cause.

Spiderman 3

Apparently, searching for Spiderman on Google Images and showing only extra large images will pop this picture on the second position. Not bad at all…

蔡健雅:《Goodbye & Hello》

From Tanya Chua’s latest album “Goodbye & Hello”.



跟那世界 Say Goodbye
Say Goodbye Say Goodbye

对这世界 Say Hello
Say Hello Say Hello

This is something that I should remind myself more often: Be more independent and renew my pool of 色彩 and 阳光 myself. Grr~

Cluttered Desktop

Screen Shot

I’m a clean freak when it comes to my desktop. But am quite surprised to see that it’s so cluttered today. Since I am having some difficulty studying for my first paper, Engineering Professionalism, and I have 2 people chatting at my usual studying territory, I shall blog. Muah ha ha…

Instead of arranging the icons sequentially, I like to cluster the icons according to the tasks that they belong to. Using folders for classification is too much of a hassle. This arrangement is more two-dimensional and allows me to see files from different tasks at one go.


  1. Top right corner contains some installers. Firefox just had a security update and the portable version I am using usually updates a few days after the official release. Needed the trial version of Adobe Acrobat for my reports; don’t ask me what the keygen is for. Haha..
  2. The huge cluster in the middle is where my files for my Bioengineering Design Module are at. Am suppose to do some patent review and this report kills time. Google Patents and USPTO have become my (temporary) best friend. Hope I’d not spend much time on it anymore now that I’ve finished my second draft.
  3. Small folder at the bottom right contains a lab report for Biothermodynamics. Blogging about it makes my blood boil and it involves staying in CFA overnight.
  4. Name card files are for Zhou Laoshi, my dance instructor. I had to uninstall Adobe Illustrator because my trial version has run out.
  5. There’s a folder containing all the notes for Engineering Professionalism because I have not attended any of its lectures. 临时抱佛脚 once again. I really dislike this module. Grr~
  6. There are three audio files which I listen to and loop endlessly when I am studying in school. They are nothing but just pure white noise. These are really effective in flooding out all the noise which can be rather distracting for me.
  7. Lone .txt file just contains some rough text. I like the simplicity of Notepad; it launches quickly and removes any form of text formatting. Quick and simple tool for just note jotting.

I’ve already some plans for the blog once my exams are over. Hopefully I’d have the time to realize them.

Shall try to study…






Taxi Ride Home

Zheng Jie you know what? You are so stressed that you actually booted up your Mac so that you could blog on a taxi. Walked to NUS High just to catch a cab did you? I’m not sure what’s causing all the frustration.

Is it a lack of a listener? Or there are too many to choose from? Or is it so difficult to choose a correct listener? It used to be easy wasn’t it?

Guess knowing that you are twenty days away from the first paper doesn’t help a bit. And neither is the fact that you are not prepared for any one of them.

None. Zero. Zilch.

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